Let Truth Penetrate Discomfort
Be afraid to go there, and have the courage to go there anyway. 💓🔥
Discomfort is a feeling like any other. A sensation, and a series of events in your body-mind.
In admitting truths to ourselves and our loved ones, we activate all kinds of discomfort: fears of rejection and abandonment, a certainty that we're inadequate, unlovable, stupid, wrong, etc.
No matter how your discomfort presents itself, this is territory you can map and track and learn from, an inner landscape of thought patterns and physiological responses you can discover and choose to navigate responsibly.
Increasingly, and with practice, you'll find the best route through.
Only you can make your map, but it's in relationship that the path becomes clear.
This might seem extra scary considering the fears already listed above -- and this is where the aforementioned courage comes in, along with TRUST in the process.
Trust that NOT handling an interaction well is part of learning how to handle relationship better (as long as you have an eye towards learning and growth). Growth opportunities galore!
So if you can't connect with and deliver your truth in a way that feels good immediately, please remember this, give yourself a break and a hug, and keep going. 💓
There's no wondrous magic to speaking truth or moving through the fear of expressing yourself authentically. As long as you're willing, it just takes time and effort.
So set your intention, apply conscious energy -- to grow your capacity to feel your way through discomfort, to learn how to unwind overwhelm, shut down, or other activations -- and you'll soon discover you can find your centre and express it.
You'll trust yourself to handle it.
I trust you handle it.
- S