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How to Tell the Truth (Radical Honesty)

Telling the truth is

a) simple but not easy, and

b) often technically impossible

But don’t let stop you! Striving to tell the truth is crucial if you wish to live in integrity.


Telling the truth would be simple if we didn’t have such difficulty in uncovering the truth for ourselves, and expressing it in a healthy way.

Our egos are sneaky, and even the most well-intended truth-seekers hide from the discomfort of self-realization. Even the most seasoned non-violent communicator gets reactive in communication when a loved one pokes an emotional sore spot.

Discovering what’s true for you takes willingness, dedication, time, energy, and shadow work. But even with all that…is telling The Truth even really possible?

I actually think it’s mostly technically impossible. I mean, what is the truth? Whose truth? When?

I can’t even with these questions – though I’d happily discuss them for hours, much greater minds than mine have done just that and come to no singular conclusions.

At least we can all agree on certain things up to a point. And happily for us, our Work here is only to know our truth, in the moment – an ultimate truth as changeable and dynamic as ourselves. Something we can discover and express, with loving honesty.

So, how do you tell the truth? As usual, my answers are meditation and shadow work.

Meditation clears the mind so that we might discover what’s truly there, behind the ego’s cacophony of indiscriminate chatter and mounting heaps of bullshit.

Shadow work pushes us through the fears and shame associated with the ego, so that we might discover our true needs and wants along with our blocks to expressing them.

Do your Work, and from that place of clarity simple truth emerges and expresses itself – you’re just along for the ride.

- S