How to Manage Resistance

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Here's a simple and life-changing practice:

1) Notice when you feel unwilling.
2) Get curious.
3) Reframe, reconnect, or shift as needed.

To be more specific:

If you're feeling anything other than enthusiasm, you're experiencing some form of resistance — aka unwillingness.

When you notice this happening, stop and assess. Get curious about what's happening for you internally.

Are you feeling...

...better than?
...something else?

Only once you know what you're feeling can you begin to address it.

Maybe you need to... yourself.
...get more information.
...take on less (or more) responsibility.
...remember your purpose in the moment. your mind.
...make changes in your relationship.
...pause and take a breath.
...move some emotions.
...move your body.
...soothe your nervous system.
...ask for help. or drink.
...take some time.


Discovering your unwillingness is a powerful tool if you employ it honestly.

The honesty piece is important — wielding tools in service of our wounds, usually inadvertently, won't yield the same results.

But we will! Oh, we will.

The honesty piece takes real work to accomplish — not because we're purposefully lying to ourselves (though we might be), but because we are largely unconscious to our thoughts, actions, feelings, and needs.

To remedy that, I recommend meditation and shadow work.

Meditation gives us mental space to pause, reflect and discover.

Shadow work brings us closer to our core selves, freeing us from fears, limiting beliefs, and our expectations of other people's expectations.

Are you willing?

- S


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