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Balance, Fraud, Outward Appearances

Balance on my altar tends to reflect balance in my life, and the state of my home is usually a good representation of where I'm at in terms of my own inner work. This morning, I am the architect of a hastily constructed reality check:

The altar pictured here is on my living room floor — and it's there for the deeply spiritual cause of a photo op, for this post.

Cool cool cool. #livingthework #actualfraud 🤮

Jokes aside, IRL I've been doing a lot of supporting others in their inner work…and so focusing less my own. This moment is a divine reminder for me to STOP and centre myself. It's time to clean house and body, and sit in meditation for awhile. As soon as I'm done this post.

What do you need for balance right now?
What are you feeling like a fraud about?

- S