Disown Your Thoughts, Own Your Thinking

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You might identify strongly with your mind and your thoughts.

This is a mistake — because they are not yours, and they are nonsense.

Sit quietly for 10 minutes and see: the nonsense that crops up unbidden seems to emerge from the ether. It can be surprising, and funny, because it's such nonsense, and it comes out of nowhere.

Distinguish here between Thoughts That Arise (not yours) and Things You Think About (very much yours).


Your life, and the way you present yourself, is comprised of time and energy.

Your time and energy is fed by the things you think about, the feelings you experience, and the thoughts, feelings and experiences you avoid (suppress).

In this way, you create your life.

A strong mind is a tool — you can use it to experience life (open up), or to manage existential anxiety (lock down).

Probably both. Balance is important!

But when you're overly identified with your mind, you're not interacting with external experiences, or even internal ones — you're trapped in your head, a closed system, unavailable to the flow of life and the gifts of the universe.

The trick here is to discover what you're protecting yourself from, why you want a buffer between you and Life — which is perfectly normal, by the way. Most of us are quite buffered.

We aren't taught how to feel, and we're overwhelmed.

With too much to see and know, we're overwhelmed.

There are a million things to do and be and get, and we're overwhelmed.

Being overwhelmed is a big thought-feeling to manage, and it becomes a way of life if you let it take over.

My prescription: meditation + shadow work.

Discover what you're doing and why you're doing it, so that you can live YOUR LIFE — not your fears, or anybody else's.

- S


Freedom From Old Stories


Balance, Fraud, Outward Appearances